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Making WAVES




Swimming Pool


Jumpers dive from off side

irritating the water into a reaction of waves

swimmers freeze, annoyed at the friction

jumpers and swimmers always at war

one careening into the pool,

the other luxuriating in the silence

of wind and water

one disturbingly active

the other in repose, swimming slowly, or floating

even in play

we choose sides

and chance causing commotion

hence the saying "don't make waves'

but no one is listening...


Poetry Reading


The room was blue with smoke

it danced with dust particles

where sunlight hit it,

from some window

unattended by blinds

the patrons breathed it in

like fragrance

filling their lungs

with second hand vice

as if the night wasn't full of

That already.

Poets tend to thrive

in an atmosphere of smoke,

heavy drinking and heavy thinking

and proliferate in the neon

like exotic flowers in the dark...



Everyday Lives, Outspoken Art


Every Day lives, Outspoken art

He works nights

and I work retail

we put it down

to our attention to detail

He is an artist

I write short fiction

we create ourselves

not worry about our positions

we are not tied

to image

as prison

we fill our time wisely

with creative ambition

I love his pictures

He likes my rhymes

we do not worry

about wasting our time

the dream is alive

is awake

can't be taken

it all started

by deciding

art's true spirit

can't be shaken...


In The Dark


It's 4 am

rain falls softly

there had been a report of tornadoes

which gets one to thinking...

some storms can't be seen in the dark

like that late night call

telling of an illness or



Clouds gathering

in the night sky

mirror desperation and rage, unseen

in a dark room..



and retreat


that fall softly

like hidden rain

in the dark.....

It's 4 am

there's no storm yet,


That I know of anyway...


Authentic Fraud


Be Authentic

Be you

Be Here

There is such concern

about be-ing

discovering our inner child,

inner plain,

revisiting past failures,

peering into the future with doubt

Maybe even afraid

but being constantly told to get real...

I don't agree with all that now,

I want

to be an Excellent Forgery

a beautiful copy

of a masterpiece


a mural

not a mirror



is for amateurs....



How It Is Done


If you want to look really evil

If you really want to look dangerous

forget about the black lipstick,

Dark eyeshades


long black boots

black nails

scars, piercing, even the reversed crucifix

these won't get you near as close

to the look you want


A BP uniform

an animal laboratory lab coat

a club, for all those pesky little seals

or just wear a suit

be a CEO

capes, fangs, and Goth anything

man, that is so passé’

the suits have it now

heck, they taught the Vampire

how it is done!

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